Hello! my fellow-workers in Christ Jesus.
It is a blessing and a pleasure to be home. God did what we expected. Blessed so many people using you. Thanks for allowing God to use you in so many ways. We all have a gift and a purpose. God granted us the Victory in Jesus and in Haiti.
We covered so much ground and touched thousands of lives.
We are currently preparing the report of our trip. To be accountable to God 1st and to you as well. We couldn't have done it without you. Your love and gifts were greatly appreciated.
This is the role you played in supporting the trip. This question was asked at every location we went to. When was the last time your congregation, school or orphanage received help? The answer was always the same. Since Sis Sheryl came last year April 2015. Imagine that?
As we prepare to start over with donating and collecting, we will repeat the cycle. Giving God the Glory for all things and in everything. We will be sharing more pictures with you as we recover from our journey. I am exhausted and in recovery mode. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts as I go through this process. Be blessed and be a blessing. TGBTG