Sunday, May 20, 2018

Acknowledging A Food Crisis in Haiti~

“Haiti faces worst food insecurity crisis since 2001”
“Twenty-six children died in the mountainside village of Baie D’Orange in a a span of a month from severe malnutrition.”

There are many faces of hunger and starvation in Haiti. They are everywhere you look, from the mountains……to the city dumps of Port-au-Prince and Cap Haitian, to the children being fed Bon Bon Tè (mud cookies) to stave off hunger pangs. Widespread malnutrition throughout the country has pushed this food crisis beyond the breaking point. Hundreds of children are dying every day! Haiti has experienced a food crisis on and off for the last 15 years. The year 2001 was considered one of the worst years. Then in 2008, there was an International Food Crisis which saw food riots in Haiti come to a political crisis. 
* The little girl here is suffering from malnutrition, this is why she has red hair and her skin tone is red/dis-colored.