Sunday, December 13, 2015

As far back as I can remember my mom Sheryl Murrah has been going to Haiti when I was about 3 I remember being in the basement and seeing her packing and washing clothes. I asked her what are you doing mommy? She said baby you know the Haitians that I tell you about well these clothes are for them and I said why can't they buy their own things? She said cause doesn't have the money to do so. I then said well why don't they move here she said cause that's there home. I then went up stairs and gathered some of my toys and came back in the basement and put them in the box. 
At the age of 5 I did my first presentation at McDonald's, Wendy's and etc. I would give my spill to the managers and get the happy meals for the toys. They would come out with boxes of toys as donations. 
My parents traveled the country doing benefit concerts and my mom would do speaking engagements to bring awareness of the conditions in Haiti. My dad would sing. 
Then it was time for her to leave and go. I would beg and beg to go but she always said that I was to young. I would be sad when she left but I knew she wouldn't have left if she didn't have too. She sacrificed a lot my birthdays, her birthdays, Christmas, spring breaks and her life for her love. Missionary Work in Haiti.
For my sixteenth birthday (which was this March) she and my family paid my expenses to Haiti. The experience was so amazing to help so many villages, plenty of churches and get to play with kids. Its a life changing experience. My whole perceptive on life has changed and so will yours.
Thanks Mommy for being you~